2015’s top #iflyalaska photos

In 2015, we saw more than 27,000 mentions of #iFlyAlaska on Instagram and Twitter, and passed more than 50,000 fans on Instagram. We’re closing out the year with some of our favorites.

Join the conversation in 2016: follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram and make sure to tag your posts with #iflyalaska. We can’t wait to follow your adventures.

Happy New Year!

Early morning flights do have advantages. Less people, more sky! #iflyalaska

A photo posted by S I M I J. R E Y N O L D S (@simijames) on

Leaving Hawaii 1/12/15 #iflyalaska

A photo posted by Holly (@flightnumbers) on

#iFlyAlaska because #WikkiStix

A photo posted by Ailsa Hopper (@ailsa_hopper) on






  1. I want to applaud your PDX crew yesterday (1/2) handling the desk at the 540 pm flight to LAX. We had tickets on the 830 pm flight and wanted to catch an earlier flight at 540. They got us 3 seats and even found our bags that came in from Minneapolis on a Delta flight so that our bags got on the earlier flight with us. That was excellent service!

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